What form of death is the scariest to even think about?

I probably shouldn't tell this story since a close friend told it to me in confidence (but hey, it's Reddit). My friend was born and raised in Colombia and she told me in 2019 some close friends of her family owed the cartel money they loaned, but couldn't pay back.

So instead of acquiescing to cartel capture, torture, and inevitable death, they took matters into their own hands. The family unilaterally agreed that they all would commit suicide together within the confines of their own home. They were very locked in to this idea and even filmed themselves on a video camera to say their final lacrymose goodbyes to their loved ones; also explaining the reason behind their choice.

I don't remember exactly how they killed themselves, but this story lives in my mind rent-free. It truly gives perspective to how good some of us have it living elsewhere.

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