What do you genuinely not understand?

Drugs and Violence are fun and or exciting. I dont understand how you dont understand that.

Murder makes sense in many cases. Dont really feel like getting into it but murder is pretty easy to understand and some times a viable solution.

Rape is a hard one to get your head around. Random rape is even more crazy. I guess you would have to see it through the eyes of the person doing it and understand their mental state.

I knew a murder and rapist. I didnt know he was as horrible as he was until I saw him do some questionable things. Years later I saw an article about him killing some guy for basically no reason. This guy from what I gathered in our short friendship didnt view the world and life the same way as a regular person. He seemed to think people owed him things and would want to punish them if they didnt agree or give in. He has zero self reflection or self awareness. I saw him punch a guy because the guy wouldn't give him something. I asked him about it. His understanding of the interaction made no sense to me and he even got frustrated with me for not agreeing with him.

I saw him shoot bottle rockets into a group of people because he thought it was funny. That was the sole reason for doing it. Just for entertainment. He punched a random guy on the street one time to see if he could knock him out with one punch. No other thoughts around it other than it was a challenge to him and that other person and their life was completely irrelevant. I think he even told me that the guy should have learned to fight better and it was his fault for not knowing how to fight.

Same with him sexually assulting women. They should have just gave in and he wouldn't have had to force it. They wanted to do it but were lying when they said no. Hard to understand that one.

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