What was the greatest act of mass stupidity?

No, you can’t just rephrase it as “Oh yeah we messed up to because we expected the right to not be stupid”.

Sure I can, because that's the succinct version of events.

You’re literally doing exactly what I said in my last comment. You (and by you I mean the democratic party and Clinton) fucked up. You fucked up by assuming you “had” certain states, so you gave them little to no attention and acted surprised when they didn’t vote for you.

Not sure if this is your first election, but some states are safely blue and some are safely red. Trump campaigned in Wisconsin because of Cambridge Analytica and Russian intelligence, but that didn't help him win. That would be the Comey letter that was blown the fuck up by Chaffetz 10 days before the election.

You fucked up by running almost exclusively attack ads against Trump.

Incorrect. You likely only noticed the attack ads against Trump or you're just repeating talking points. Either way, it's false.

I barely knew what Hillary’s political stances were until the debates, all I knew was she ‘wasn’t trump’.

Then you're an uneducated voter. Sorry.

You fucked up by calling half of the nation a ‘basket of deplorable’ and then go on to wonder why you aren’t 50 points ahead.

Since when is attacking people for sport a bad thing? That's the exact reason Trump got a following in the first place. What you mean to say is we called out Trump's deplorable base and they got pissed. Snowflakes?

You fucked up by literally brushing off any mention of the server hack/email scandal while constantly bombarding us with Trump scandals that were wild goose chases that went nowhere.

lol ah yes, the ol' email scandal which went absolutely nowhere and was admittedly used just to tank Clinton's poll numbers.

You claim to not have known anything about Hillary's positions until the debates but you're parroting the right wing talking points and bullshit scandals almost verbatim. Sounds like you're a partisan trying to appear like a "regular American" and the mask slipped. How typical.

Then, when emails were leaked about the DNC collaborating on how to get Hillary to win the primaries instead of Bernie, you fucked up by suppressing the ideals and views of a large portion of your supporters.

Russian talking points. You really are a partisan.

Then you tried to fuck over third party candidates by demonizing anyone who votes for them (the amount of times I heard “If you vote third party you’re literally just voting for Trump” is both astounding and depressing). I could go on.

You could, but you've already revealed yourself to be a drone. 3rd party voting is incredibly stupid because of the spoiler effect, there's no way around that one. But good job letting Russia dictate your political beliefs if you did vote 3rd party. Way to go.

Trump was a terrible candidate, but you guys ran the worst campaign I have ever seen. It was a fucking trainwreck. The fact that you can smugly pretend you guys had NOTHING to do with it and it was all “White America” is horrifying. It’s depressing to think someone with this mentality is old enough to vote.

Yeah, yeah, cry some more. Despite running a terrible campaign it still took a failure of the EC, Russian intervention, hardcore Republican partisanship to give Trump the win...and a loss of the popular vote by 3 million.

Go back to /r/politics

Is this supposed to be an insult? Your entire post history is a caricature of loser gamers who jerk off to Rick and Morty and laugh about Trump memes. I find it horrifying that you managed to parrot the exact bullshit attack lines from the 2016 almost verbatim.

tl;dr WWC can get fucked and so can you.

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