What happened at a wedding that let you know the marriage was going to end in a divorce?

Yay, something I can finally post lol. This was so bad that the pair didn't even end up making it down the aisle, let alone ending in divorce.

I am friends with the groom-to-be, let's call him Justin. Justin had began dating a girl that was a little obsessed with weddings. And by a little a mean a LOT. She was one of those girls that was particularly huge on the whole Disney fairy tale princess stuff, and with that became a bizarre obsession with weddings.

The first time I met this girl, whom we'll call Cindy, was after Justin and her had been dating for around 3 months. It was at mine and Justin's mutual friend's casual barbeque, and I could tell something was a little strange about this chick from the way she spoke. She reminded me so much of the "Boats, boats, BOATS!" girl from How I Met Your Mother. Anyway, at this particular party was another mutual friend that was about to get married and was taking to us about finishing up some less minute details for the wedding, and Cindy just latches on and is suddenly bombarded this poor woman with all sorts of questions and pretty much dominating the conversation. It was really awkward, as we had only just met her, and she had a crazed look in her eye as she talked about how her ring cushion would look down to the stitch, and how she couldn't wait for the day she got married.

I ran into Justin the week after and brought it up casually all like, "So, Cindy huh. Seems nice. Loves weddings I see..." Justin got a bit embarrassed and just responded, "Oh yeah, she's been like that since our first date, I just treat it as a hobby". Red flag there.

The next time I meet old Cindy is at a birthday party for yet another mutual friend at a restaurant, a couple months later (so total time dating thus far is around 5-6 months). My boyfriend of two years and I were sitting across the table from them, and Cindy immediately latches on to that and starts questioning us, wondering when wedding bells are and all that. We just kinda laugh it off nervously, as we were no way ready for marriage yet despite our length of dating. Well, Cindy once again goes for it, she spends two whole hours dictating the conversation about weddings and her dream dress and her dream cake and her dream flowers and her dream invites...it just went on and on. I could tell Justin was getting uncomfortable with it, but he also had a pained look in his eyes that told me he was so used to it and over it by now that he just gave up and stopped listening. She finally finished with saying she hoped to meet a love "as a true as ours", so that she "too could have an engagement and wedding like ours" (seemingly forgetting that myself and my bf were not engaged yet)

The third and final time I met Cindy was a month after that (so 7 months of dating) at another barbeque. By now our engaged mutual friend that we saw at BBQ #1 had gotten married, and you can see where this is going. Cindy is practically following this woman around like a lost puppy all night with endless questions and commentary about weddings. It was getting embarrassing and irritating to listen to by this point. Eventually Justin comes over looking super pissed off to relieve our poor married pal from Cindy. Cindy, now that Justin is there says "Oh, and Justin and I were discussing our potential guest list...". Justin cuts her off with such an icy stare and says: "Sweetie, we jokingly talked about for 10 minutes one night and haven't talked about it since. Now I think it is time for us to go home."

I didn't see Justin for a few weeks after that. I actually thought they had broken up. One day I pop open Facebook and spat out my coffee. Guess who, after a grand total of 8 months of dating, is engaged? Yep, Justin and Cindy! I couldn't believe it. I mean it was so obvious after only meeting her three times that she was just after a wedding, and she couldn't care less who it was with. Not even a marriage, just a party with an over the top cake and white dress.

I bumped into Justin a week later and offered my congratulations, even though inside I was screaming 'what are you doing bro?'. He didn't look too happy though, and when I asked him about it, he just kinda shrugged and said, "Oh you know, Cindy obviously started wedding planning straight away and it's a little stressful. In fact, she's becoming a little stressful...she's a bit obssessed with having her dream wedding..." (no, really?). All I could do was laugh nervously and wish him the best.

A couple months go by and I hear no news. My other friends have heard nothing either. We're getting really curious now, as Justin has suddenly disappeared from social media and started turning down invites to parties and stuff. We're wondering if Cindy has suddenly gone Bridezilla had forbade him from seeing his old friends when I bump into Justin at a cafe. He's looking a lot happier:

"Hey, I haven't seen you in ages! How are you doing? How's the wedding plans coming along?" "I'm great! In fact better than great! No wedding at all!" (he's beaming) "Why, what's wrong?" "I dumped that crazy bitch. She was getting psycho about the wedding thing, it was ridiculous. It was like she was pressuring me all along to engage her just so she could have this wedding. I realised she just wanted me just have a wedding, so I high tailed out of there."

Good on Justin, and Cindy, where ever you are: I hope one day you meet someone desperate enough to want to be your fiance just so you can have your dream wedding.

TL;DR: A friend of mine meets this girl weirdly obsessed with having a huge fairy tale weddings, dominates over conversations with her bizarre wedding fanaticism, somehow after only a few months of dating convinces my friend to get engaged only to be dumped a couple of months later as my friend wakes up and realises that all she wants is someone to have a wedding with, not a relationship and marriage with.

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