America's highest paid female CEO is transgender. And fascinating.

It's amazing how many affluent, Jewish/white men in highly masculine professions end up discovering they are actually women late in life.

By contrast, Blanchard discovered that the predominant form that trangenderism takes in the West today involves men who, as men, have never identified as homosexual in their erotic attractions, but rather as heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual. Those men, his research revealed, tended to make their transitions in their mid-to-late thirties, or even later​—​at least a full decade on average after the homosexual transgenders did. Furthermore, many of those men were married and fathers before they came out. The paradigm might be travel writer Jan Morris, now 88, who spent the first 46 years of her life as James Morris, the journalist who covered Edmund Hillary’s ascent of Mt. Everest and who fathered five children before undergoing transition surgery in 1972. And many in this heterosexual population​—​in contrast to the homosexual transgenders on the drag scene​—​worked in stereotypically hypermasculine professions: They’d been parachutists, Navy SEALs, engineers, policemen, firemen, and high school football coaches. The billionaire philanthropist James Pritzker, who became Jennifer Natalya Pritzker in 2013, in his early sixties, is a retired much-decorated U.S. Army lieutenant colonel with three children by his former wife. “They’ll say that they chose those professions in order to suppress their feelings as females,” Blanchard said. “But no one put a gun to their heads to choose those jobs.” Many late-transitioning transgenders (Jennifer Finney Boylan, for example) insist, contra Blanchard, that they were aware from early childhood that they were born into the wrong body—​but Blanchard thinks they aren’t being honest with themselves.

Furthermore, late-in-life transitioners tended to be relatively well-off, not just to be able to afford the surgery, which these days can cost $50,000 and upwards (now covered to some extent under Obama-care and Medicare), but also to pay for a second step that many transgenders regard as mandatory: “facial feminization” surgery to alter hairlines, transfer fat strategically, and break down the jaws and overhanging brow ridges that are typical of genetic men. That can add another $35,000 to $60,000 to the tab. The U.S. pioneer of facial feminization, 79-year-old Dr. Douglas Ousterhout of San Francisco, has grown so wealthy from his surgical work that he owns his own Sonoma County winery.

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