What do you hate about working in an office?

I used to work a job doing 10-13hr shifts, customer service in a healthcare facility. Nonstop working, imagine having three phones in front of you and each one constantly ringing because as soon as you finish one, someone else wants to call with an issue, and also everyone thinks it's your fault so you get all sorts of abuse. On top of being expected to answer every fucking phone call ASAP you also needed to do a thousand other fucking things, file all the paperwork that is being shoved at you in every direction from everybody, make sure people don't leave without paying their bills, etc which is nearly impossible to do in a timely manner by the way, because you are literally one person and you can only multitask so much before fucking something up. All the while listening to coworkers talk about how useless you are. Also, the only break you get the entire day is a 30min lunch break, less than that because you have to walk to the break room and heat up your lunch, and go to the bathroom if need to, or cry or whatever. If it's busy enough, not even a lunch break. Some days I didn't go to the bathroom the entire work day because I didn't even have time to drink that much water or eat. I went home exhausted every day, by the time I showered and ate dinner it was time to sleep so I pretty much had no life outside of work. I developed some sort of anxiety or something because I couldn't stop stressing out at work, hearing a phone ring would cause me to zone out because my mind would go back to the horrors of my work environment.

Anyway I remember one funny moment, I hung out with one of my close friends to catch up. I had nothing else to talk about but work because I hadn't done anything in the past year but work, sleep, or sit in a numb recovery state in prep for the next work day. I asked her how was her work, and she said, "I hate my job, I'm so bored, I just sit there and go on the internet all day."

The look on my face made her apologize profusely and we both had a good laugh about it, but now I know that I will appreciate any job I have from now on after working in that shithole of a job

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