Things I Don’t Understand About Feminism

"And I don't think feminists "brush off" men's issues, we're just not interested in doing a whole bunch of work for men on their issues when they're failed to convince feminist (men and women) that those pet issues are real and in need of addressing."

I thought the rule of thumb was not to dismiss peoples tales of sexism and abuse, to listen and treat them with all seriousness until proven otherwise? So why when I have an issue I have to convince you beyond all doubt that any sexism or abuse happened before you take it seriously? How am I supposed to feel like feminism is for everyone when your answer is "we don't brush off mens issues, we just don't want to do any work for you guys because we don't believe you..."

I don't mean to come off as a dick but I really am sick of not being able to hang out with my little sister (7) unacompanied by a female without people eyeing me off as a sex offender and I am seriously sick of women just dismissing the very idea that might happen. My grandad has been putting up this form of sexism since my mother was born fifty years ago. In fact last time me, my other sister (17) and grandad were hanging out my sister turned to me in disgust when someone eyed grandad off as a dirty old man, for hanging out with his grandaughter.

Sometimes I feel like people forget that sexism works much like Newton's third law: for every assumption there is an equal and opposite assumption. If women are made to be raise children than men end up being seen as bad parents. Surely both sides of that coin is worth addressing?

Or should I just remember that next time a women comes up to me to complain about sexism I can simply say "well I can't be bothered doing a whole bunch of work FOR women on THEIR issues."

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