What the hell is wrong with all these men?

  1. Modern humans are living a really fucked up lifestyle compared to what we evolved for. Not only is our diet fucked, nutritional profile of what healthy foods we do eat fucked, exercise fucked, vitamin D intake from sun fucked due to pollution and spending time inside, circadian rhythm/sleep fucked due to light pollution, environment full of toxins, no sense of stability because almost no one is directly self-sufficient (could you provide food or shelter for your kids with no grocery store and no one else to build your house or chop the wood and feed the fire?), our daily routines often unfulfilling as we sell our time for the money we use to get the resources we'd be happier getting directly... but we all pretend this isn't happening and heap self-loathing on when we notice the inevitable consequences

  2. As stated above, but men throughout history and across cultures have been expected to be more violent ("protective") than women

  3. Modern culture puts absolutely all responsibility on the man for lashing our and absolutely zero on the woman for her part in the situation. I say that as someone whose partner (non-violently) raped her last year. I was so mad at him for months and then I did shrooms and I realized... I hated him so much at that time and every moment of every day was spent embedded in that hate. He had no chance to close the distance, I never gave him one. And he just wanted to be close to me, still, which resulted in the rape.

Just some pre-coffee thoughts...

/r/breakingmom Thread