What ideas do you have that could improve the Canadian economy?

Oh ya, because BC is one of the lone provinces that hasn't bled money out of Alberta oil so they must have their shot too right? They didn't benefit from those "equalization payments" so they have to come up with a "fund" that is going to sit in BC banks and SOMEHOW generate interest similar to being invested.

BC sure is smug now that their forestry boom is up but when TPP comes through and that all goes to shit with more of those unjust terrifs that crippled you guys a while ago, you sure as fuck wont be laughing.

Alberta has done nothing but bleed profits into other provinces while getting shit in return. We can't diversify our economy because when things are going good Alberta is too rich to get funding for alternative projects, other provinces need it more. Then when things are going to shit we should have diversified when things were going good. Alberta should really take a page from Quebec and exit Canada. We would be swallowed by the US but at least there not stupid enough to bleed us completely dry. Hell, we might even keep some of our profits.

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