Does this count too?

As a meth addict (clean for several years now, but still know that I am an addict) I commend you. I was a piece of shit loser and fucked up my life, and not one minute goes by that I don't think about what i did. I am constantly reminded of the bad choices that I made in my life, the people that I screwed over to get my fix, the shitty things i did to keep my high going for a few hours. The heartache I caused my mother and father. Several years and several friends, and several opportunities to get high have passed me by, and this one part of my life still haunts me to this very day. I hate to wonder what would have happened to me if I didn't have the support of people that never used. Actually I can tell you exactly what would have happened.

I would be fresh out of jail for the umpteeth time, I would be walking to a payphone to call my mother and let her know that I was out of jail and I would be coming home for supper. Then I would call one of my meth head buddies for a ride. After they came and picked me up I would go to their house and get high with them. Then I would go on an "adventure" I would get a ride to my parents storage shed and cut the lock off and gather everything that I could pawn or trade, or scheme for a bit of drug money. Then I would call in a few favors from friends that still owed me from before I got thrown into jail and I would get my hands on more drugs. I would then sit around and get high for another couple hours with my friends, I would write bad poetry, and draw horrible art but I would think it was the most awesome thing that anyone had ever created, and I would show it to everyone, multiple times. I would get high again and decide that I needed to take a shower, I would jump into a hot, steamy shower and wash my body from head to toe about six times. I would peel off my toenails one by one, over and over again, peeling a little more each time until someone knocks on the door and I realize that the water is freezing and I have been in there for an hour and a half. Whoever knocked on the door hands me a towel, a glass pipe and a lighter, so I get high and then dry myself off. After I have cleaned up one of my friends tells me that his friends band is playing at a club and that his friend "owes him some shit" and "has a hookup at the show". so we sit around for a while and get high again, invent some guitar riffs and write more poetry, then head to the club to meet up with the band. It turns out that the band isn't playing tonight but they are actually playing tomorrow. It's ok because I have a cousin that can get us some shit and he only lives a few blocks down the street. So we go over to my cousins house and he offers us some beers so we drink a few beers and tell him that we are looking for a hook up. He has us covered, he is actually waiting for his dealer to show up, he makes a phone call and doubles his order, just for us. We have a couple more beers and the dealer shows up, he demands that everyone gets high with him or there is no deal, so we all show him that we aren't cops by getting high with him. After a while he starts measuring out our drugs and then takes our money and goes on his way. We hang out with my cousin for a couple more hours and drink a few more beers, we invite him to come back to my friends house with us but his son has school in the morning so he has to stay home and make sure that he gets there on time. We take off and although none of us are hungry we go to Taco Bell, and order a couple of tacos to eat, one of my friends recognises the girl at the window as someone who ripped him off last week and he decides that this is a great time to bring it up and pick a fight. We stick around go inside and try to help my friend get his drugs or money back from her, it turns into a yelling match and before I know it, my friend has smacked the girl and she is laid out flat on the ground. I grab everyone and we all pile back into the car and take off out of there, but as we are tearing out of the parking lot, the cops show up and start chasing us. Knowing that I cannot out run them I pull over. The cop comes up to the window and asks for ID, then asks me how much I have had to drink. I tell the officer that I had a few drinks earlier in the night but nothing lately. He gives me a breathalyzer and I blow a .12, I tell him there is no way, and that I feel fine. He cuffs me and searches me, finding the little baggy full of crystal powder in my sock (I forgot I had it there) Off to jail I go. A few weeks pass and I am let out since there isn't any room at the jail. I walk down to the payphone and I call my mom, I let her know that I am out of jail and I will be home for supper. Then I call one of my meth head friends and tell them that I need a ride, we go to their house and i get high......

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