With the emergence of White racial identity, will there be a shift in both political parties in how they address White people?

So, as a white person when people talk about "white identity" I find it sort of bewildering. I've never in my life thought of white people having any commonality or common experience. I don't look at other white people and have an sense that we have any shared identity or experience. Honestly, I think white people identify far more by economic class than race. The race thing seems to be a development in recent years that, if I'm honest, is projected onto white people by other people, perhaps non white people who assume that white people have some shared sense of identity. I don't think that's true frankly. There is no shared common experience based on simply being white and thus no shared identity.

My husband is Asian American. Chinese American specifically. Chinese culture is a very, very strong cultural identity. I don't think I appreciated just how little culture Americans, or white Americans more specifically, have compared to other racial and ethnic groups until I started dating my husband over two decades ago. And I still find it almost impossible to explain to people who lack the experience of living in a very structured cultural identity. Truthfully, I probably identify more closely to the Asian American/Chinese American community (from a cultural stand point) more than white Americans because I've spent pretty much my entire adult life in that community at this point and again, there is no white identity or culture.

A few years ago I heard a podcast and then read the study it was regarding that discussed the fact that 75% of white people have no friends outside their race. A similar percentage of black Americans have no friends outside their race. Latino and Asian people do much better in this regard. I found it really cathartic and sad. I find a lot of white and black Americans have a hard time understanding someone living a multicultural or multiracial existence. Like, they're sure they know...but they don't. Honestly, I think white and black Americans have a lot in common. They both engage in the same sort of racism and prejudices. They both otherize groups as not being "real Americans", accuse other groups of being undeserving of their successes, of stealing their opportunities, engage in the same antisemitism for the same reasons, etc., etc. Certainly, white and black Americans have very different racial experiences, and to a degree, culturally as well. But there is a lot of shared identity as well (IE American Supremacy). Probably more than differences if people actually ever bothered to get to know one another.

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