what is it like to be smart?

People have accused me of being smart. I can't say it makes me happier.

  • A lot of things seem obvious to me and it is upsetting that other people don't see them so clearly. It's upsetting simply because I strongly dislike it when people believe things that are demonstrably erroneous. I'm a very logical person and watching people eagerly put square mental pegs into round holes and declare themselves right hurts my stomach. If I have the time I can explain things well, but there is only so much time in my day and I have other things to do. So, I spend a lot of my life smiling and changing the topic.

  • I have so many ideas and can't possibly see them all realized. I get as much done as I can, but I wish I belonged to a think-tank where we could exchange ideas and work on them together. Realistically, I'll die with 90% of my ideas untested.

  • I know that for almost any problem I face I can learn how to address it myself. Of course, this can waste my time if I'm not careful, because I could instead be doing other things. I do like to learn new skills, though. So far, I've rebuilt car engines, painted houses, laid flooring of several different types, designed logos, created websites, written songs, photographed families, restored old photos, published articles, significantly changed my physique, fed myself by hunting and gardening, and some other stuff.

  • I'm awful at following rules. I need to know the reason why the rule exists before I submit to it. Unfortunately, the most frequent reason for rules seems to be to benefit the people who made them, at my potential expense. (Obviously, this excludes good old "golden rule" type rules).

  • I crave deep discussions. The irony is that the most intelligent people are also the people with the least amount of free time to have these kinds of discussions.

  • It's hard to switch my mind off; I think all the time. This makes it difficult to relax. I'm also bored by mass entertainments. Video games, movies, and TV all feel like a big waste of time. They're too predictable, for one thing. I do things like meditation to help me slow my mind down. They help, but only to a degree. I'd really need an entire lifestyle change to truly stop my over-thinking.

  • As for dating, I probably shouldn't say anything, but here goes... I'm a little older and have been married before. My wife died and I suddenly found myself single again. I'd like to marry again, but at my age it's much more difficult to find someone. The thing is, when you're young you kind of mold into each other and grow together. Once you hit my age, you don't really get to do that again. People are much more set in their thinking. So, it's even harder to find someone you feel compatible with. A large facet of the compatibility issue is the fact that while I have simple tastes, I don't have popular tastes. So, it's super easy for me to date and have a good time with women, but any connection on issues I care about is incredibly rare. Oh, well. It's still kind of fun.

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