What is LS’s system??

I mean I don't think we really know too much since the individual small things you try to instate into a team aren't going to be public, but the things we do know is

1) LS likes scaling offmeta comps over comfort (maybe the players/c9 didn't like how they were playing stuff they had not practiced) this obviously includes his dedication to freezing in midgame and lategame champs

2) He likes inhouses and 1v1's alot. He brought alot of his friends to be translators and assistant coaches who are still high ELO kr who can play with the main roster to improve their gameplay

3) similar to 2 but he really wants the academy team to play with the main roster alot. In all LCS teams there seems to be a tension between academy and lcs players who think their role can be stolen by the academy player but LS thinks they should be constantly playing each other to improve both teams

These afaik are the only things he really talked about specific to c9. There are other things which he talks about being important but we don't know if he instated these things in c9 or not

/r/leagueoflegends Thread