What makes Richard Dawkins so obsessed with religion? Why does he base his life on attacking what the hates, instead of promoting what he loves?

Well, I've noticed that some people constantly and relentlessly focus on what they hate the most, and harp on everything negative that they think is wrong in America, or the greater world today.

I could be wrong, and maybe I'm misunderstanding their message, but such people who seem to do this (and focus upon the hate) seem to include people like Donald Trump, Bill O'Reilley, etc.... the usual gang of haters!

But that gang of haters also seems to include extreme liberals who are in a perpetual state of being OFFENDED and SCANDALIZED by everyone and anything. You have to walk on egg shells around such extreme-liberal people (and I run the other direction whenever I encounter them!)

I guess both extremes (extreme liberals, and ultra conservatives) are essentially 2 sides of the same dreadfully vile coin.

Either side of the coin... they tend to project a message of intense anger, hatred, animosity, and constant conflict with everyone around them.

As much as I generally detest them, unfortunately, I think society needs a few people like that in the extremes. But I personally don't want to spend too much time interacting with either extreme!

Meanwhile, there are other people who only project messages of what they love, and why the things they love are so great, and you can feel a genuine wish and striving for something better (without being bogged with negativity) about them.

I personally have noticed those who are focused on technology/science, and speak passionately about what they love... such as those in the technology field, such as: Steve Wozniak, Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, Michio Kaku, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, Pamela Gay, etc...

Yes, you can say a lot of negative things about those who are passionately striving for a positive future of humanity... If you want to be hater you can always find significant faults with others, since we're all human and are all flawed.

But personally, I prefer to focus on those who have an overall positive message, and are striving to push humanity to greater things, that transcend obsessions with war, terrorism, or inane politics.

/r/AskReddit Thread