What MMO(s) do you consider the best non-themepark games?

BDO is not a sandbox , look at this amazing definition :

Sandbox mmo: The devs build a bunch of systems, and your job as the player is to build your own content with those systems. There are probably few meaningful quests or dungeons or PvP battlegrounds. Mostly, the game is the game world, and the objective of the player is to figure out what they can do in it. Maybe there is a complex economic system where players want to harvest resources and craft them into buildings they can put all over the world, where they and their guild can live. But the resources are far and few between and players fight over these resources - not because they are queued into a 3v3 arena match, but simply because resources are limited and many players want them. The guy who gets the resources carries them to a far away city because they sell for more there, where that resource is rare. As they make the long trek to the distant city, a group of players who play as bandits notice him and plan an ambush - they'll kill him and take his cart of resources for themselves. Stuff like that happens in sandbox games, because players are mostly just trying to do their own thing or get rich, and they have to work together or against each other to accomplish this stuff.

BDO is not this.

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