What is the most emotional video game you've played?

That was the scene.

Zulf. You fucked up man. I can understand your rage, but don't bring everybody down with it. Don't bring more destruction to a destroyed world.

Then, I saw him lying there. He's beaten senseless, abandoned by everyone. I thought briefly about leaving him there and letting him get his just desserts. I've tried rationalize why I rescued him after the fact.

"He's not a bad person. He was just consumed by rage."

"He's worked his entire life for peace. He's a good person."

"Everyone fucks up. He deserves a second chance."

"He's been abandoned and utterly alone."

In the end, none of these ring true. I threw my battering ram aside and threw him over my shoulder because I wanted to. For no greater reason than I'm a bloody fucking goody-two-shoes.

As I threw open the gates and headed towards the exit, I see what is literally a firing squad. The UI is gone. It's me, Zulf, and a ton of Ura. How many potions did I have left? I can't fight back, as I am hauling an unconscious person here. Potion prompt. Drink. Is this where I fall? Are we both going to die because I decided to try and has this man's ass out of hostile territory? Another potion prompt. Drink. I'm pretty sure I had a couple potions left. I can't move very fast though. Will they last? Potion prompt. Drink. I can hear your voice in my head, singing about your mother. Sorry, it's just me. I'll pull you out, though. No more potion prompt. I've run out. How close am I to dying?

Silence. They stopped. Except for that one guy. Oh, there he goes. They're impressed. That's right. I'm just here for Zulf. I'll be out of your hair soon enough. I'm no longer a threat. Thank you for understanding. You all wrecked our home. I've wrecked yours. Let's call it even, okay? No hard feelings, just like between me and Zulf here.

Let's go, Zulf. Rucks and Zia are waiting.

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