What is the most horrifying scientific theory that many people do not know about?

For sure. I was at rock bottom the other night, ditching a job and bailing on a contract, disappearing into the woods. I had met a super sketchy dude at a bar who wouldn't stop talking to me, and who eventually gave me a couple tabs of imitation acid that he got from Canada with BitCoin (1P-LSD). Guy had this epic trough of track marks on his arm from smack, which had also landed him in an Alaska prison for a while. I was in a tent, alone, in the dark, tripping balls, when I realized there was nothing I could really do to prevent having a terribly bad time. Knowing I wanted to get out by 5am to maintain the illusion with my family who I'm crashing with that I was at work all night, I really wanted to get in a bit of shut eye, but there's no sleep on acid. I was all woe-is-me regarding my situation, but I:

1) Just started focusing on my breath. Fuck the racing heart, fuck the dragons I see when I close my eyes. Only breathing, and breathing deep, will be considered.

2) I realized that, being in the US of A, I'm in the luckiest 5% of people, and being college-educated, there's another luckiness partition. A potential/presumptive economic migrant would swap places with me in a heartbeat.

3) The moss is like hugging me when I put my hand outside.

There's a whole lot less pressure when I lower my personal expectations to "moderate wellness compared to the average human on earth." And that's average in terms of "conditions outside of their control," not some other more dickish measurement.

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