What is the most outrageous thing that you have seen an employee do that has subsequently led to their dismissal?

There was a guy that was let go from my company recently who is the biggest, most unabashed manchild I have ever met. I rarely use the term "manchild" because most people simply use it to insult people who enjoy things they don't enjoy anymore (it's fine to play video games and watch cartoons, guys) but this dude was something else.

I work at an IT company that handles customer security, data backup, system admin, general helpdesk, etc. His work desk had six monitors, all of them rotating Gurren Lagann, Kill La Kill, or Kingdom Hearts wallpapers. He would often tell us tales of his Dungeons & Dragons adventures. He would bring in his Lego bricks to play with during his shift. He'd pull up YouTube videos of Naruto AMVs and play them on speakers at full volume. He was ADAMANT about explaining every detail of the Harry Potter fanfiction he read last night, to the point where he would pull it up on one of the screens and read it aloud during his shift. He also almost never did any work and could never explain anything about client tickets when I came in to relieve him at the end of his shift.

I think the last straw was when he stayed in the office until 5am one night (his shift ends at 12:30am) making a sculpture of what he attested was supposed to be Godzilla using one of those 3D plastic sculpting pens that belonged to our boss, the CEO of the company, all while being on the clock and not doing any work at all. He used the entire supply of plastic stuff that came with the pen, overheated it, tried to fix it, broke it beyond the point of repair, and put a sticky note on it saying "Out of order."

I think what they technically used as an excuse for canning him was "Extreme misuse of company time."

/r/AskReddit Thread