What is the most unbelievable coincidence you ever experienced?

I've told this story before. I was living and working at a friend's castle and we were out for a drive and came back to find a package leaning against the door. It was a book that had been written about stately homes, including the one I was living at.

We went in the house and began to ascend the grand staircase. At one of the landings sat a low chest, which was one of the only original pieces of furniture in the castle, except that it didn't come with the castle. The owners had purchased it decades ago and only discovered it was original to the castle when they brought it back and found the original owner's name written underneath the chest. This chest was sitting underneath an old window which was covered up on the exterior in an old renovation which my friend's family had later filled in with an oil painted panel.

When we reached that landing, we stopped and flipped the book open and the first page we saw was about the castle and showed a vintage picture from around 1917. The chest was in the photo... Except, it used to be a bench with a tall composite back made of many separate carved pieces.

We looked down at the chest. We saw the the holes where the back and arms of the "bench" had been mounted. Then we looked up. When the family had filled in the old window frame, the oil painting they had used was a little too short, so they filled it in with a gorgeous carved wooden panel. We looked back at the picture in the book. The panel set in the old window frame used to be a part of the back of the bench/chest sitting below it. Both pieces had been purchased many years apart in separate parts of the country and had been brought back to their original "home" unintentionally and there they were, reunited. I should add, we had moved the chest to where it was maybe days previously at most.

/r/AskReddit Thread