What was the most unexpected thing done by someone you thought you knew?

I have this buddy who we'll call Zach. I've known Zach since middle school and we've been close pretty much since we met. He is the most kind and thoughtful person I've ever met. He thinks of others far more than he thinks of himself. Not to insult him but I would have called him a soft man. He seems incredibly sentimental and will argue with you that pacifism is the right way to go rather than violence. About 4 months ago we were out partying in the cities and while we were walking home a man approached the two of us with a knife. My rule of thumb in these situations is just to give the man whatever we have and walk away alive. But I watched Zach, whom I've known my whole life to be a non-violent and emotional friend, grab this strange mans knife hand and hit him hard. He then proceeded to hit him several times. I can only assumed he knocked the man out cold, because he laid on the ground and stopped moving. Zach then calmly took the mans phone and called 911 and said that he needed an ambulance. I just kind of stood there in shock. We didn't wait for the ambulance to get there though, which in retrospect maybe we should have. But we haven't heard anything about it since. About a month prior to this, I was in his closet looking for something he asked me to grab and I found a "go" bag. Complete with a gun, money, and a passport. At the time I figured he just did it because he wanted to seem cool and when I brought it up to him I had a good laugh when his only response was "yeah, just in case". But I'm thinking I might not know Zach as well as I thought.

/r/AskReddit Thread