What is the most unflattering thing a person can do to themselves?

I gained 60 pounds in 3 months after I started birth control pills, despite the fact that none of my other habits changed. It also caused me to go from an F cup to a JJ cup.

I went off the pill once when I was in a long term relationship with a woman, and I lost 20 pounds in a month without changing my diet or exercising. I've known other girls that gained a lot of weight on the pill and lost it easily when they stopped taking it.

According to my doctors, I have PCOS. They won't treat me, however, because they really only treat you if you want kids (it can cause infertility).

It makes it worse when everywhere I go, I see people insulting overweight people when they don't know the whole story. A lot of people gain weight when they go through a tragedy, when they develop a physical handicap and can't exercise, or when they get depressed and stop caring. A lot of people, like me, do have legitimate reasons why they put on weight and can't get rid of it. I've seen a lot of vitriol on reddit about overweight people, but I've never seen anything about anorexic and bulimic people. What if I told you that binge eating disorder is a legitimate thing, similar to a drug addiction when it comes to breaking the cycle? What if I told you that the hopelessness that anorexics feel when they don't think they're thin enough is similar to the hopelessness that fat people feel when they think they'll never lose the weight, and give up?

I don't think any fat person wants to be fat (except for the ones with fetishes). If you're really concerned about their health, then start wondering why they are the way they are. In most cases, there's something else going on besides just "letting themselves go". Otherwise what you're doing is essentially the same thing as worrying about a meth head because her teeth are bad, when you should be worrying that she only does meth because her boyfriend hits her and her dad raped her when she was 15.

/r/AskReddit Thread