What is the most useless invention you have seen?

Funny, in my first hand experience everyone that calls themselves a feminist wants equality. With bigots hiding under the label of 'egalitarianism' or 'mens rights' because they can't stand being in a group with a feminine title.

However, I have noticed that every misogynist who prefers those labels loves to rant and rave about feminism supposedly attacking them for being men, then their communities inevitably evolve into toxic cesspits of toxic masculinity and misogyny like /r/MensRights, /r/MenGoingTheirOwnWay, or the various incel subs (don't know which one's aren't banned at this point, /r/inceltears catalogues them) - You can tend to spot them by the use of 'sjw' as a dirty word.

And I gotta say, personally, as a man who would both consider myself a feminist and hangs out in feminist communities regularly, I have experienced no such misandry. Maybe it's not your gender people don't like, but your shitty regressive views? Just a thought.

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