What was a movie/book/game that had its plot spoiled for you before you got the chance to experience it?

When I was in grade six, Star Wars: Episode I was about to be released in theatres. I had no idea what the Star Wars story was about – I only vaguely heard of names like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Hans Solo (and 11-year-old me thought those were the LAMEST names).


I was telling some kids in class that I didn't know anything about Star Wars (but I was interested in seeing the movie anyway – flashing popsicle sword-fights!), and they kindly helped and told me about the Original Trilogy: someone named Anakin had a son named Luke and a daughter named Leia and meanwhile Anakin became the evil Darth Vader but Luke and Leia fought him and eventually the good guys won. I thanked my friends for their help. Now I could watch the story and not be completely lost.


I didn't find out until I was in my twenties that Darth Vader revealing his true identity to Luke in Empire Strikes Back was supposed to have been one of the greatest plot twists in the history of modern cinema; Instead, Anakin being Darth Vader was just oh-so-casually brought up to me in a random English class in sixth grade.


So yeah in hindsight I would have loved to have watched Star Wars without one of its major plot points having the curtain removed right in my face.


Thanks a lot, Jessie and Ryan =]

/r/AskReddit Thread