What movie DOES need a good reboot?

I think the people below me have spoken to some good adaptations of Stephen King's source material.

His books are worth reading, and there are a shit ton of them. Depending on your taste, you could find something you'd like enjoy.

I love to read. I really love it. I've read a large percentage of Stephen King's works. The beauty of his writing is that you feel like you're reading something written for you by an old friend, or at least someone who gets you. You can get lost in his world, his characters, the minute details that breathe life into his worlds, stories, and people. People talk a whole lotta shit about him. Yes, he struggles with his ending, but if I've spent 5+ hours with my nose buried in a book fucking invested in a character like they're real in my life - I can forgive a shit ending because the ride was great.

Anyhow, just my two cents. I don't watch a lot of the garbage movies based on his books. Cujo had me rooting for the dog and I turned it off pretty quick. Give one of his books a shot. There's a wide variety to choose from, you might like something.

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