What is a name that has been ruined for you, and why?

As a person named Emily and who was born in the 90’s when that name was the most popular female name for years, I have met a lot of women my age with my name.

Some of them have been nice, but the majority just seem to have this snotty attitude and entitlement issues.

Also as a somewhat snobby (English Major) Emily myself, I always think it’s funny/sad when I meet someone whose name is also Emily, but it’s spelled like Emmalee or Emmillee.

Their parents think they’re being unique, but they’re really just misspelling a popular name.

That being said, sorry those 3 Emilys cheated on you with/without Brandons.

I’ve never met a nice person named Brandon, but to be fair I haven’t met many Brandon’s either.

Those two you mentioned are definitely assholes though.

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