What do you need to get off your chest?

When my best friend from childhood confessed she had a crush on me and proceeded to act creepy about it, I had numerous nightmares about her raping me. I never told anyone but my mom about it and it was scary. Especially as how she was acting towards me leading up to the first nightmare. Petting me when I fell asleep on the couch as we watched movies... Trying to make me share her ice cream at a place we were at. Constantly trying to hold my hand at the same place. The same incident where she was petting me she tried the "yawn and bring arm around girl" trick. Which didn't work as I'm actually bigger than her so I shrugged her off because she smelled like she had taken a bath in Irish Springs soap. (Unfortunately she also knew it was my favorite soap. I couldn't use it anymore after that.)

Writing poems about me and posting them to the same art site we both belonged to. That all my friends on there saw.

I had nine different nightmares over the course of this happening about her. When she was petting me my mom caught her and told her to leave me alone and woke me up and had me move. Unfortunately I fell asleep again and this girl had the gall knowing my mom was watching waited til I was falling to the side and guided my body so it was in her lap. When she told me about this (she didn't wanna scare me the first time) I was mortified.

Let me say this: I am the most pro LGBT person you will meet... But it doesn't mean I don't have a right to worry when someone is trying to push themselves onto me knowing I don't share those feelings.

/r/AskReddit Thread