What news stories are the world not paying attention to that they should?

Ok thanks, I see now. And I also learned a few things. So I appreciate your reply.

Unfortunately I have friends and family on both sides of the conflict, directly. And I'm speaking from a position far removed geographically. So I have bias and opinion like everyone on any subject. The Holy Land has been a source of conflict and colonization throughout recorded history. Colonization and post war divisions of colonized lands have historically not resulted in positive results. Groups of people who perceive their beliefs and/or cultures to be vastly different don't usually live in harmony within political borders.

So I posted from an obviously biased stance, which is informed from both sides by personal interactions with friends and family from both sides of the conflict. Sadly, a huge part of my opinion was formed by a close family member on the Israeli side of the conflict who strongly believes that oppression of Palestinian people is a God-given right. Worst part is that this relative is not Israeli and converted later in life to Judaism on her husband's wishes because she became pregnant. Her husband's family is secular and he became Orthodox to shock and upset his parents.

Meanwhile I have dear friends whose family can trace their roots in Palestine 13 generations. Their olive trees were torched and burned by Israeli settlers. Their family home was demolished by the military and their homes and property have been invaded and desecrated.

I understand oppression is not apartheid and casually throwing the word around is not applicable to the situation. I guess it is better equated to the systematic oppression of the Native Americans during the colonization of the New World.

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