What do you think of Noam Chomsky?

Ya, I am familiar with this phenomena, as I experience it myself. I used to be able to convince people that their view of history is distorted fairly easily. I did this by using elementary, relatively well known facts. But, after focusing on these rudimentary facts for so long, they become boring. You want to include more complex, nuanced ideas. Unfortunately, if you try to explain complex ideas that are built on the foundation of simpler ideas, without first explaining the simpler ideas, transference of information halts.

When I used to talk about 9/11, JFK, Pearl Harbor, Iran-Contra, it was easy to convince people. But, when I try to go into more complex ideas, that's believability relies mainly on CONTEXT, and critical thinking, and peculiarity, rather than on researchable facts, you lose the connection.

If somebody talked to me a few years ago, they'd think I'm pretty knowledgeable, and confidant. If you talk to me now, you might think I'm crazy, uneducated, and aloof. It's not because I got stupider. It's because the concepts that I believe got harder to explain to less knowledgeable people.

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