What do you not understand the popularity of?

The 25 top voted comments:

  • 25. Reaction (™) videos. You can basically film yourself while watching a video and it'd be the same thing.
  • 24. Shopkins My kids are way too into these things. I just don't get the appeal of these tiny, freaky, grocery shaped figures... Toys R Us has a whole bloody aisle of them...
  • 23. Why is Avatar, out of all of the movies ever made, the highest grossing movie of all time? I would understand if Titanic, Star Wars, or The Avengers was #1, but Avatar? I mean, it was a good movie, but what made that many people see it?
  • 22. Loud goddamn mufflers. That is the exact opposite of what I want for my car. I have misophonia I think and.. that shit drives me NUTS. And of course I live in a place where that's popular and they drive by my house all the time.
  • 21. The Chive. Its fucking stupid.
  • 20. Burning Man looks absolutely filthy
  • 19. Pretty much anything honestly. Nowadays it seems like you can't just be a fan of something. It has to be a big circle jerk. Craft beer, music, etc.
  • 18. Donald J. Trump
  • 17. "Hoverboards". They don't even hover. As a childhood fanatic of all things Back to the Future, I was very let down.
  • 16. Maybe it's just where I live, but rocks and crystals (quartz, amethyst) to be considered as medicine/make you feel good. They're fucking rocks and people pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for them. I can understand the cosmetic appeal, but people always try to convince me they give them special powers or some shit. Edit: to be clear, I do think crystals are cool. I just don't think they should be sold as medicine.
  • 15. Newer country music, 75% of it is generic as hell
  • 14. Buzzfeed.
  • 13. Dr Who. I just don't get it. I think I'm a little intimidated by how vehement the fan base is (gilded)
  • 12. Beauty contests for inbred dogs.
  • 11. "Damn Daniel!"
  • 10. Prank' and 'Social Experiment' videos... How do people fall for this stuff? The mind boggles
  • 9. Prolapse porn
  • 8. Laugh tracks in Sitcoms. They annoy the fuck out of me
  • 7. Those inspirational quote pictures with the tacky backdrops of sunsets at the beach n shit.
  • 6. 2 Broke Girls. What the hell?
  • 5. Pewdiepie. I just cannot understand why millions of people find him entertaining.
  • 4. the Kardashians (gilded)
  • 3. The, "Live, Love, Laugh," sign everyone seems to have in their home somewhere.
  • 2. reality television.
  • 1. Celebrity gossip I can understand respecting a musician or actor, but why does anybody care about the details of their personal life?
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