What to say on a dating app?

You are absolutely right. Its just that after a 6 year relationship, and then previous minor relationships, and then being with an older woman, i just cant see myself being with
- someone who is very very lazy
- someone who hates God
- someone whos addiction is more important than their partner
- someone who flirts with guys while in a relationship

The other part is that almost every girl i have been with has had blonde hair.
I have dark hair and am really attracted to a girl with dark hair.
I feel like i am a little over blonde hair.

And i really like when a girl dresses decently.
This legging trend that accentuates a girls butt is sure, lustful
But it is very indecent and trendy

I want to meet an individual who has a good amount of self respect and does not seek attention from others

My 6 year relationship was totally opposite, even as far as the zodiac signs. It was 100% in every way opposite.
They say opposites attract
And yes we loved each other more than anything

But in the end those opposites totally ripped us apart
I am for once looking for a similar person, i suppose

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