What is the one moment that you wish you could redo?

There's a lot of moment I regret. But I've regretted this one for over 4 years now. My first "serious" girl friend was sophomore year, me and this girl loved the hell outta each other and we thought we we're gonna get married. All that good stuff, so "serious". Well we dated for 6 months, when we broke up she told me "that I just wasn't mature enough yet to be in a relationship" and that is breaking up was my fault. I tried to put my arm around her as we sat out in her drive way to say goodbye and she shoved it off and said "don't". She gave me all my shit and I walked the 20 minute walk back to my house carrying 3 sweatshirts and a build a bear I had just bought her for her 16th birthday. I just took it all like a bitch. After she insulted me I just said "sorry it had to end this way, I hope we can still be friends." Like the little bitch I was being. When really it was her who was being immature and it was her fault that we broke up, I wanted nothing other than to make her happy every single day. I wish I would have told her off. I wish I would have stood up for myself and said "haha, okay. I'm the immature one? You're the one who can't handle your own shit and you have to blame me for it. You're the one that had to pick a fight with me just so you wouldn't have to tell me straight up you wanted to break up. You're the one who said 'I wish you wouldn't have came here, I wanted to break up with you over the phone'. You're the one who lead me on for months 2 months because you were too scared your daddy would figure out you dated before you're 16th birthday. You're the one who on your 16th birthday when we could finally date without having hide that we were holding hands and kiss when your parent weren't looking flirted with the guy you liked even when you were with me and sat next to him instead of me and told me to shh and moved away from me so you could here him play his guitar. You're the one who couldn't get over a guy who lived 6 hours away you never see and texted him behind my back. I'm the one who forgave you. I'm the one who came here to try and make it work. I'm the one you called when you were crying. I'm the one who tried to end this civilly. So okay, believe what you want too, but know that you know deep down inside that your the one. So bye and fuck you too" Just so you know, she did apologize to me a year later right before she moved states away and tried to start flirting with me again. But that doesn't mean I stillI don't take kindly to being made to feel like a bitch. I can't believe I typed all that. I guess when you've been waiting to bitch someone out for 4 years that's what happens, haha.

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