What is one thing in your life that turned out to be a blessing in disguise?

im feisty and like being good at what i do, im never satisfied

i had no degree so the only thing that mentality was good for was support IT

they fired me from my IT job because i refused to lie to old people calling in about not being able to get to their medical charts

they told us to just tell them that 'level 2 support would get back to them' but when i did a lookup on updated tickets, the average update time for these tickets was something ridiculous like 30 days

could you imagine your grandma calling into a hospital, being told they'd get help right away, and then having to wait 30 days for an update? FOR THEIR FUCKING MEDICAL INFO THAT THEY'VE PAID FOR?

yea i definitely didn't make it past probation even though i was placing in the top 3 for metrics each month despite spending anywhere from 100-200 minutes a week on helping out old folks get to their charts with nothing but my autist memory of windows xp/vista/7 (remember, we can't remote into outside computers, so you have to do it through memory, hence my humble brag huehuehuehue)

i spent 9 months studying computer science starting with the Harvard CS50 series, got a job in development, and then went back to school once i could afford it

/r/AskReddit Thread