What parents have you met that make you think, “Yep, that kid is FUCKED”?

Maybe they’re weird about you taking her out because you think that some “work experience with children” means you get to “Get them on the right track”. Are you the parent? Are you a parent at all?

A lot of these stories in here are absolutely awful and THOSE kids need better parents but this one really stuck out to me because I have a fucking shit sister in law who keeps trying to parent my kid in completely weird ways (that I DONT want my kid raised with) that she thinks are somehow better than what I’m doing and steps on not only my toes but the toes of other parents I know who are also pissed and annoyed.

Some three year olds don’t talk in full sentences right away. Having worked with kids you should know that every kid is different. Obviously screen time should be limited, but some is not a terrible thing. How do you know that her mom puts her in her room for 5 hours midday unless you are literally stalking her parenting and counting? Maybe the child is having a tea party. Some kids sleep a lot. Especially that young. Like Jesus these are not nightmare “going to fuck the kid up” things like the rest of this thread and you’re acting like some babysitting gets you some kind of parenting degree.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent