What do you think of people with "serious personalities"?

It just sounds like you carry yourself professionally at work.

Personally, I find anyone with a seriously polarized personality to be either too much or just forgettable. I feel like being serious is only for certain environments but if you don't know how to enjoy yourself and cut the serious attitude, it's very likely that others around you won't enjoy themselves and will feel the need to act differently. This would prevent people from establishing a legitimate connection with you as a person because they wouldn't be able to act themselves around you. This would also prevent people from having fun around you if they constantly have to censor their true selves.

Of course it depends on the people you're with too and what your idea of a good time is vs theirs. But if you act like you're at work all the time (that kind of serious), you're probably the last person I would want to be around when I'm not at work.

At work though, these are the kind of people I love having around because they tend to be more professional and easier to work with. They get their shit done. If you're the kind of person who micromanages though, you're literally hitler.

But if you're serious, just find people like you who enjoy talking about politics or science. find your group, the people who share the same interests and hobbies as you. To be honest, only enjoying talking about two subjects alone can get very boring and repetitive after a while even if they are your subjects of interest.

The only serious people I can't stand being around are the party pooping negative type people that shit all over everyone else's idea of a good time. If you don't like the subject their talking about, it's not because you're smarter or anything, it's just because you have different interests. If someone enjoys going out and dancing and you like just sitting and talking, that doesn't make anyone better in any way. So basically in my eyes, the worst combination of personality someone can have is being too serious and pretentious.

/r/AskWomen Thread