What piece of advice would you give to a guy who's turning 13?

1) Don't be angst filled or overly in your face happy. Just be yourself and hit a happy medium. E.G. don't be a melodramatic and "god, I hate the world", it's laughable and peers will grow out of it and adults will find it hilarious. 2) Try to be active, or at least don't get fat. 3) For the love of god, never grow out your hair. It looks awful 4) Focus at school. 5) This is debatable, but cut down on video games as much as possible. This is gonna sound weird but if you really enjoy gaming, try more classic stuff like Grim Fandango or Bioshock, classics that impacted the industry. Seriously, time wasted having fun isn't time wasted, but I can say I regret giving up guitar whilst I was loading up another online game of COD online 6) Same advice goes for Netflix 7) If your anything like me, remember alcohol isn't great and it isn't evil either. I was astutely anti-drinking at 14/15, going parties and ending up being the only sober one stopping those who were drinking doing shit they regret. Nowadays, and probably back then, drinking at 14/15 is pretty common. I probably can't say anything to stop it happening, so never get so drunk that you can't stand up, always be eating if you choose to get drunk. I'd recommend drinking nothing the first time you go out, just so you know what not to do. 8) DON'T DO DRUGS IN YOUR TEENS, OR EVER. So many friends who have started smoking weed when they were 15 are now onto harder stuff and some of them are complete states.I always remember how they would start stupid arguments over how it was fine, even good for them, saying "it's not a gateway drug" I know there are pressures to do drugs in your teens in particular, but please use all your willpower and decline. Simply say your not keen on the stuff and stay out of its way. 9)

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