What’s the general opinion on PE in school?

I didn’t like it really, mainly because I wasn’t athletic lol. Lots of people enjoy it and others don’t; it’s a mixed bag of a subject. What put me off it was the fact that it mostly consisted of team sports and being competitive, particularly in years 7–9 when we were told what to do (e.g. you had to do netball or football for a term) and had little choice. I was (and still am) very introverted as a teenager (and was going through puberty and being insecure about myself) and preferred academic subjects, so I wasn’t really the biggest fan. Not to mention it was a good time for girls who weren’t the nicest to whisper about you. In year 10/11 we were given more choice, so I went for stuff I could just do independently. As an adult I swim and use the gym, so I think the issue was the focus on competitive team sports and lack of choice (and general teen angst).

/r/AskUK Thread