What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve witnessed at a funeral?

Me. I was 19 and the owner of the Quiznos I worked at passed away from colon cancer. There were two groups of us driving down to the synagogue for the furneral. This was before smart phones so I had looked up directions and printes them out. Our group made it down first amd I told texted a bid in the other car to text me if they got lost. Well, time goes by and no texts. I figured they were close and we went in for the funeral. The rabbi was giving the eulogy and everyone was respectfully quiet quiet. In the midst of this solemn and holy ceremony the unmistakable synth beat of the Beverly Hill's Cop theme starts to just belt out of my little Sony Ericsson phone with unrelenting volume from my pocket. In a panic to shut it off I am pelting my thigh pocket to no avail and yell "Jesus Christ!" in my panic to turn off the ringing. Eulogy is paused for like 200 people to turn their VERY JUSTIFIED looks of disgust at the disrespectful little shit who just fucked up the last major story of this man's life and death. Luckily his surviving widow had the same sense of humor as him and actually thiught he would have loved it. She told me as much afterward, but if ever I wanted to just shrivel up and disappear, that was the moment.

/r/AskReddit Thread