What’s the most unprofessional thing a doctor has ever said to you?

A gynecologist said in front of one of his nurses and myself "well, if we can't figure it out, we'll have to take you out back and shoot ya!" chuckle chuckle

I was seeing him for severe chronic pain, weird hormonal -related symptoms, and severe depression because every other doctor I saw at the time dismissed me. Come to find out it took 3 more doctors before I found one that could do their job and read an ultrasound correctly to find signs of pcos.

They must teach that joke in medical school because an orthofacial pain doc said the same "joke" to me when I went to him for my severe tmj issues. Come to find out I clench my jaw subconsciously from all of the pain I've been in over the years. Go figure.

/r/AskReddit Thread