What’s something you’ve been a part of/witnessed that if recorded on video would have millions of hits on Youtube?

Here’s mine: we were all at my friends house after a high school exam, and he’s pretty well off so he has his own personal gym with state of the art treadmills, that are absolutely massive - probably weighing thousands of pounds. We were 14 or 15.

Being stupid kids, we decided to just start fucking around, and one of my boys jumped on the treadmill and jacked it up to full speed and full incline, chugging a redbull while sprinting on it. Here’s where things get weird.

He gets off the treadmill tired, and we decline it so that it’s still chugging at full speed, but now it’s flat. My friend is standing behind the treadmill, and I’m standing in front of it, right at the handlebars.

Our third friend decided it would be hilarious if we put a giant yoga bouncy ball on the treadmill. You can probably guess what happens next.

The yoga ball gets sucked underneath the treadmill, and the back instantly fires straight up, absolutely clocking my friend in the face - he gets knocked out.

The entire force of the treadmill then picks up as the yoga ball is now stuck underneath the back of it, and it leaps forward, smashing me in the forehead full blast. I get thrown backward, and wake up about 4 feet behind where I was originally standing.

My friend’s mom comes running downstairs as she heard a multitude of extremely loud crashes, and my friend swares at her to “get the fuck upstairs” to try and cover this up. She leaves.

I blacked out for a quick second but didn’t have any sort of lasting effects, felt fine within about half an hour. My friend on the other hand had already suffered 4 concussions - he couldn’t remember what day it was, what exam we had just written, anything really.

If that had somehow been captured on video and put on Youtube, I think ‘Two Retarded Kids Get Knocked Out By Massive Treadmill’ would have tens of millions of hits.

/r/AskReddit Thread