What’s your first kiss story?

Happened two weeks ago. We'd known eachother for 3 months and some how we just sparked. In that time we managed to put eachother in the friendzone (I thought she only liked me as a friend, she thought the same thing). One day after school we're waiting at her bus stop and the day had gone super well so I, being the idiot I am, asked "Is this the part where I ask you out?" She responded with a "What?" and gave me the most confused look I'd ever seen her pull. I changed the subject really quickly and went home feeling like the stupidest person on earth. 4 days later we find out, with the help of some friends, that we do like eachother and we start dating. Apparently her confusion was genuine and in her words 'it was so abrupt I didn't know how to respond, I wanted to say yes but I thought you were joking'. I take her out 2 days later and after, as we're waiting for her bus, the subject comes up. We're both 17 and we have no idea how to do this, at this point I'm just going off of the information all the movies have given me. Eventually we kiss. It didn't feel right. We try again. A little better. Attempt number 3. Jackpot.

/r/AskReddit Thread