What’s your opinion of Donald Trump?

You’d be surprised. Like when I said that he should be hung from a short rope from the tallest tree in Washington for all to see… Or when I said that he and all his traitorous ilk who love to talk about what the “founding fathers would do”… anyway… that they should be “keel hauled” (That’s where you tie someone to the bow of a ship, and allow them to be dragged underneath; simultaneously drowning AND being sliced to ribbons by all the barnacles and shit on the hull).

Or at the vary LEAST… that he should stand trial and be made an example of so that this shit NEVER happens again….

Ever heard of “emasculation”?… I mean in the OLD sense of the word:)

He should be hanged on the george Washington bridge and left there to rot. Cartel style.

…. something like that

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