What is the saddest thing about you, and why?

From the outside I have it all. A loving husband with two wonderful dogs, financially set, healthy parents, a great job, great warbrobe, beauty and we live in one of the finest lofts in downtown Denver. But yet, I am emotionally defeated and depressed. Nothing is good enough and I keep wanting to climb up the ladder for better pay and for a better life. Nothing satisfies me and it's to the point where I have emotional breakdowns. My husband sees it and tries to tell me to calm down, but all I see in myself is failure. Failure of not being an executive, failure of not eating healthy, failure for not having the means to live in a penthouse, failure of being a lousy wife that doesn't see any joy in life.

We had a friend stay with us and once he saw our balcony view he told me it was one of the best views of downtown Denver that he's ever seen. The whole time I've had the blinds closed and whenever I do look at the view, I cannot help but think that the view can be better.

Nothing satisfies me. It's why I work all the time. I keep thinking one day I'll achieve that VP or CFO position and it'll be worth it; but till then I'm fucking miserable and I see myself as a constant failure. There are times where I just want to end it and be happy. I simply cannot do that to my husband or parents.

/r/AskReddit Thread