What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?


It all started when I was at around 12 years old. From time to time when I was laying in my bed I felt a certain pressure on my chest. When I pulled the blanket over my head it vanished in just a couple of minutes. This happend many times and I just had this strange feeling it could be my grandmother who died just a couple months ago. So from time to time when I had this certain pressure I had the idea it was my grand mother keeping an eye on me while I sleep, no big deal right? This kept on going for like a couple of years.

I also had some sort of weird energy connection going on with light bulbs, mainly when I was on my bike during the night. One day I went to a friends house at the evening. After that I drove back on my bike late in the evening and I felt this energy when I drove close to the lampposts which was standing close to the road. Right underneath one lamppost the bulb went off exactly when I was riding under it. First I thought like "What a coincidence!" But this happend at around 10 or maybe 20 times during the past 5 years.

I was curious if this could mean something so I went searching the internet and found something about ghosts and energy. Maybe some of you have read some sort of the same information so fine let's move on..

So a couple years ago I was 18 years old, laying in bed just a normal evening.. when the same pressure feeling, which I had multiple times already, started again. It felt like if someone was pushing slowly and continuously on my chest, but this time it didn't disappear as normal when I pulled the blanket over my head. It kept on going, and the pressure level increased... Well I was getting a bit scared like, dude wtf is this thing? I opened my eyes and stared at my wall which was just next to my bed.

This wall is plastered, you guys know when you look at a plastered wall you automatically see some figures or dots or smilies you know.. Just because our brains always want to make connections to everyday things or dots in this case.

But this time I saw a very little face, "Well sure a face! Cool, thanks brains, now move on." As the pressure which I felt on my chest kept on growing the scariest thing happend. This little face I saw became bigger step by step, seriously I didn't use any sort of drug or anything but, this face which I saw became bigger and bigger. I was freaking out and the pressure also kept on growing. I had seen some figures before when I was staring at the wall but it never grew or anything near that..

I kept looking at the wall with my heart going ape shit and this face was just as big as my own head and I could see just every detail of this horrific face.

It give me the chills again as I am writing this, but let me describe this face which I was seeing at that moment.

It was a pale face, with her black eyes and mouth wide open, long black hair and she was totally drenched, coming towards me out of the wall.

Seriously I screamed like hell and my dad came running in the room yelling WHAT IS HAPPENING??!?! He turned on the lights and this woman I was seeing disappeared instantly.

I was shivering, totally scared and really afraid, because I never seen something which is not real more clear and more realistic than this in my life...

I told the whole event at my dad and he gave me just a little prayer to deal with this thing if I would have that pressure feeling again.

So one or two years later... I met a girl, and starting hanging out with her every now and then. This friendship kept getting better and we started to share story's about all sorts of stuff. I was so a shamed of my story I have never told anyone else this same thing I am telling you guys right now. So one day I told her something about the weird energy things like those lampposts and she started telling me she had those things happening two. Only she had these things in her house during night like switching the lights off and when she forgot something and came back, the light was on again and she was like "I didn't do that?!" So this freaked her out and she also felt a certain amount of energy when she walked past a picture of her grandfather which deceased years ago.

We felt a connection on this subject and kept on talking about it. I noticed the more we talked about it, the more heavier this weird energy feeling came by now and then... Also when I was alone and not even talking about this subject or something.

Well months past, still in contact with this girl and she told me she went on a school trip to Paris. So yeah nothing special sure have fun! One night I was laying in bed while she was in Paris and suddenly she called my in the middle of the night. I answered my phone and she sounded like she was in serious panic. "whats wrong???" She said: "You will never believe what I saw..... I'm so scared.... I saw a truly horrible face.. coming towards me and I screamed but it didn't disappear until someone turned on the lights...." The first thing which came to my mind and I replied: "Did she had a pale skin, black hair, her black eyes and mouth wide open and looked drenched?"

Pure silence followed up... "How.. the... fuck.. do you know this?" she said in real panic. Man I instantly get the chills and that same pressure feeling I had before while trying to calm her down. After she hung up I turned on the lights and said to myself let's stop this shit and since that moment I never talk about things like this anymore, which anyone.

I don't know what this is but I also had a dream one day about a tooth which needed to be removed. In this dream my tooth seriously needed to be removed from my mouth. So I woke up and told it to my dad (I was like 11 years old or something) My dad replied: "Did you really dream this? If so, we believe your grandmother or grandfather will die this day.." And guess what my grandfather died that day ;)

Sorry for the long story, and sorry for my bad English.. Just felt like I needed to share this with you.

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