What is: Selling Out

Well, I strongly disagree. Those who say taking a sponsorship in general is selling out are objectively wrong, as those streamers are not selling out. It isn't just me disagreeing, I mean it is, but it is also language in general disagreeing. That would like saying everytime you eat out at a restaurant you are eating fast food. Can you eat at a restaurant that happens to be fast food? Yes. But not all restaurants are fast food. Just change fast food to selling out and restaurant to sponsorship and it is the same situation. And I don't think it should be ignored, if a streamer sacrifices their integrity and sells out it is important for people to call them out on it I think, that way future people don't take their reviews so seriously because they might not even be their opinion. I really don't think I expressed it as black and white, I provided cut and dry examples sure, but I never claimed to provide a cut and dry definition for it. If you want me to provide a cut and dry example I will though: If you change your morals or integrity for money in general you are selling out.

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