What should America do to help with racial reconciliation?

First of all, it must be said that what European Americans did to Native and Black Americans is no different than what humans have done to each other throughout human history.

The difference is that, within the United States, present-day socioeconomic inequality stems from white-on-nonwhite prejudice in particular.

the great civilizations of the ancient world only became great off of of the backs of the underclass

Great for whom? Certainly not the median person. Prosperity requires free labor markets, not coercion.

What happened to American Indians is little different than what happened to the native population of Britain after the Anglo-Saxon invasions

How many native reservations are there in Britain? We’re focusing on the historical causes of present day problems.

What is different, however, is the fact that America has come to realize that its actions were wrong.

1) Trump voters exist. 2) Other countries exist.

/r/neoliberal Thread