What is the "smoking gun" for you?

First let me say I would put myself in the undecided camp. I lean toward innocent but basically think either way-not enough to find guilty-based on what we know at this point.

That is interesting-the note never really indicated that to me. I mean, he was able to keep any physical evidence of the crime from showing up including on his clothes, his car, her car, the burial site (that we know of) yet he would leave such an incriminating note in his room...if it was written as long ago as they said it was he could have been writing back to Aisha and the bell rang and he didn't finish saying whatever he was going to say.

to me-when she is saying something along the lines of 'people break up, you'll live' or whatever, he could have just been making a joke about killing himself. Not saying that is what happened-just a different point of view on the note :)

There is no smoking gun-I think that is the problem for me but I feel that there are too many things that indicate Jay lied in order to help the case fit the call logs and that gives me pause. it could be bc he really did just want to help put a murderer away. The Intercept Interview where he changes the burial to 'closer to midnight' really got me thinking. In their Jay and Jenn both say they were together at that time, I can't see why Jay would lie about it now-makes more sense he lied then to match the call log.

Another thought-was Jay directly asked in trial about the 2:36 call being the come and get me call? if not, I find that pretty suspect since I think we can mostly all agree that the state's timeline is bs at the very least.

ETA: oh yeah, have to add this-someone else brought it up but it is so true and I have thought about it before. when Jay tells the cops he didn't originally tell them it was BB b/c he was worried about security cameras. This could do nothing but help prove his story...it makes no sense and they just let it go.

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