What some people have been trying to say about LFR the whole time...

People liking LFR doesn't change the negative impact it had on the game. WoW effortlessly killed other mmo's not because the content was good, but because of the community. People used to log on just to talk in guild and trade chat.

There's no 1 reason this game lost 2/3 of its active subs, but the top reason was automated group formation for PvE and server/faction transfers. The majority of servers are now ghost towns where the few people remaining have zero interaction with each other.

You're allowed to like LFR and enjoy its benefits, but don't pretend it was a universally positive addition to the game.

I don't care if the game's most horrifically awful players run around in purples and get to see the content. I care about actually having people to recruit for raiding.

/r/wow Thread Link - i.imgur.com