What is something that genuinely bothers you, but you never complain about because you'd seem like an asshole?

I think the whole concept is fraudulent.

The problem is that nobody is ever asking the hard questions. Black people are profiled because their crime rates are higher. OK, so we accept that. That's a possibility that even most ardent leftists types will accept despite aggressively denying any of the causes behind it besides white racism.

Do we think that covering up the reality of the situation is the right way to make the world a better place? That's what I don't really get. It's like, we both know that black crime rates are high. We both know that this isn't really anyone's fault but those communities. We both know that despite the history of oppression, we can look deeper at the problem and see that yes - there is more to this than environment.

And a lot of people are too afraid to start going down this road. I can understand that. It is kind of frightening to think that our biology and our genetics have a role in our behavior and thinking. The truth is that they do. That's just how it is. We are all genetic beings in one way or another.

And the real issue is that well, race is a part of that. And what we hear is a lot of people screaming and shouting as soon as I say that because historically this idea has brought about a lot of pain. And that pain is there in our society still. We live with it today. We never want to see bad policies put in place again. We don't want people to be oppressed or treated unfairly.

But does denying reality make races get along better? Does it really make us closer? Does it really pay respect to black people? Does it really help them integrate into society as a whole?

Or does it just force smart black people to conform to this rage paradigm that has nothing to do with them? It's just weird to me why black people identify so much with other members of their own race. I mean, everyone does. That's not what's weird.

What's weird is that a lot of intelligent black people don't seem to realize that they are capable of handling reality and it's not going to hurt anyone. In fact, by its very nature simply being open minded, intelligent, and rational if anything will help the black race become more respected.

Instead what we see is black people who prefer to just take the easy road and keep choosing to play the victim. Being angry and stuff. That's cool, I get angry too. I just want to see black people and leaders start to lose the butthurt a little bit and we can all work together to create a society that flows properly.

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, no doubt. Absolutely not. I just think we can all get along despite what the facts say. We can all really thrive together in a rational way alongside the realities of race and genetics. We can thrive alongside the common understanding of the reality of race. And that takes some courage, some challenges. It's not the easy way out.

I think we've all had enough of the easy way.

We need to come together and start to really challenge ourselves. We need to challenge ourselves to think outside the box and start to open up carefully and in a kind manner with one another. Find a new way to think about race and society. A new way to think about race relations that is also based in what we know about biology and some of the statistics.

I think it's very possible. I see a future enlightened society. I am being a little insensitive. I guess I've always been kind of insensitive. I didn't realize how much it kind of stinks to be black these days.

The thing is, black people have so many fucking strengths that are so cool for our society. And I think we need to understand that that's what's important. The value we all bring, the unique value. But this sort of resentment of whites for various things doesn't seem like it's making the world a better place for either blacks or whites.

It isn't a matter of saying "black people can excel." It's a matter of just knowing the reality. No shit black people can excel. It doesn't even need to be said. Not all black people, no shit. But at the same time the opposite isn't true. Profiling isn't just some kind of horrifying racist thing. It's not even bad, per se, in and of itself. In fact, it is often rational.

We have to strive to find the middle ground. That's what I'm saying. And I'm not going to back down from saying that we have to be rational and find the middle ground, or that profiling is sometimes rational. It's just the truth. It's the reasonable truth. And the fact that people are going to hate me and get mad at me about that shows that there is something very, very wrong with the way we are thinking about these things. IT's divisive. Not helpful.

It's fucking obvious that sometimes profiling is a rational behavior. There should be absolutely no question. But people want to "call me out" and say I'm "racist" for saying that. That's just completely insane. It's completely and absolutely wrong. There is no wiggle room.

And I really do stand by that. I stand by it completely. I won't let people call me racist. I'm not. It's not racist to think profiling is sometimes reasonable. It's not insensitive either. It's just the reality.

I can't make a black person stop getting pissed off about me believing this. IT's the fact. If a black person doesn't like it, or gets mad about it, that's not my problem. OK? People need to realize this. Sensitivity and always just being worried about not hurting people's feelings doesnt make the world better. In fact, sometimes it's a form of self-flagellation.

Nobody should ever self-flagellate for the emotional issues of someone else. It seems to me that in this country we see a lot of racial self-hatred and self-flagellation and ignoring reality in order to appease the emotional and psychological needs of certain black people. Look guys, it's just not our fucking problem. I hate to tell you.

There is a concept in alcoholism and addiction called emotional dependence. When we allow the emotional dysfunction of another person to become our own, and we take responsibility for it, that's unhealthy dependence. And that's what is happening in our country.

We have to set some fucking boundaries. We can't let the rage and anger of people make us throw our rationality and reason out the window. That's wrong. It's abusive behavior. It's not friendly behavior. It's not helpful or caring. It's flat out unhealthy.

I'd like to see a change. It requires people to stop being cowards. I am not a coward. I say what I believe because it is the truth. Not because I like it or dislike it, but because it is the way things are.

We can't just refrain from saying things because we are afraid of how it will make us look to the social group. The truth is the truth regardless of how it makes people feel. Covering up the truth to protect dysfunctional emotions and dysfunctional mentalities is not the way of a healthy populace.

I know others see this same thing and are afraid to speak about it, even though they know it is true. Maybe some are more consciously aware of it than others. We all tend to seem to have some kind of minor racism in us, and that's just the nature of being imperfect. As long as we work to be compassionate then we can be comfortable, and always keep trying.

Hating ourselves and being hard on ourselves for these issues is not the healthy way to deal with them. It does not create the atmosphere we need to have moving forward. It creates a toxic atmosphere of fear and paranoia.

I am not a figurehead for saying this. I refuse all labels of anything anyone wants to throw at me because that's all they can do. Laugh. ETC. I'm a moderate to the core. I have beliefs other than this about all kinds of subjects. This is just something I have been watching.

I have known many black people in my life and I liked so many of them. It was only in the 10s that a lot of my black friends began to develop a lot of this racial anger that doesn't seem to serve their lives. I think they need to process it and love themselves and accept themselves.

I think blacks just don't really accept themselves for who they are. I think black people are fine how they are. There is a lot of hateful racism in society and fuck those motherfuckers. I don't know how this got to be this way. We can really identify the true racist assholes better when we stop this idea that the facts about race don't matter. They do. Racial profiling isn't racist. Never was. Only in rare cases.

If we're going to truly eliminate racism from our society, we need to ACTUALLY open up to the taboos underneath everything. And that's that.

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