What is something that you regret doing/ not doing in the early or mid game ?

Not much. I've been very careful with my main account. I'm sad that I skipped Keqing, Eula, and Engulfing Lightning, but I wouldn't say I regret it. Only time will tell if those were bad decisions or not.

Skipped Keqing because I'll always have a small chance of getting her from other banners, but I might have to wait years, and if MHY adds new 5 stars to the standard pool, then I might never get her.

Skipped Eula because I didn't like the 4 stars on her banner and was betting on her rerun having better 4 stars, but it's possible her rerun banner will have even worse 4 stars than her debut banner.

Skipped Engulfing Lightning because I was still saving for Kokomi, Yae, and Eula's rerun. I'm pretty satisfied with my current teams, so if I have 500-600 wishes saved by the time her rerun comes around, I might go for C3 + Engulfing Lightning or C4 Ayaka, but I think the former will be a better investment.

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