What Supreme Court ruling on admissions means for med schools

Mixed emotions.

  1. It's a shame there's not more diversity in doctors simply because there's diversity in patients. I am at a hospital in a minority-area and all of the interns are not of the same racial background. Kind of a shame.

I understand the value of having doctors able to cater to different populations. I look for LGBT/LGBT-friendly doctors because straight doctors tend to see: "Healthy young student," assume I have no medical needs and breeze out the door before I can even ask for an HIV test.

  1. I think trying to correct racial inequalities on the level of secondary schools and beyond is too late. Affirmative Action is a band-aid. It's a way to make everyone feel good (minus some resentment) by saying, "Look, there's black people here. We've solved racism!" When in reality, it leads to the admission of under-prepared students who are under-prepared because they have been in a second-tier educational system their entire lives. Not saying these students can't succeed, more saying that we already missed the boat for early intervention and have been at a life-long disadvantage.
/r/medicalschool Thread Link - ama-assn.org